An Ordinary Boy’s Blog

Trying to be an extra ordinary boy

Today’s Reflection April 11, 2010

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 8:04 am

It’s been a long time since my last post on this blog. Many things have happened during this long period, went through many things; happy moments and sad moments as well, and I have learned a long of things, physically and mentally.

First, about school. I learned that school’s life in Singapore is a completely difference that the one in Indonesia. Here, we are forced by every single factor around us to strive hard for our school’s subject; but as for me, the most crucial factor is that I am a scholar(I write this without any intention to boast). I learned that school is very important for our future, especially in Singapore; the country which opened our eyes to all possible future which the world can offer us.

Thus, I am trained to study diligently; you have a high probability of failing your test by studying very hard during the day before exam, trained to do my homework in my free time, and to enjoy my moments of refreshing with a lot of passion and enjoyment.

Then, I learned that I am only a mere ordinary student here among all talented and brilliant guys in my school, or even in my hostel. Conversely, I also learned that my ability is still way beyond its limit. The sky is my limit, hence I truly believe that my determination will enable me to surpass these smart guys.

I also found that writing was even more interesting than when I was in Indonesia. I like to read and try to implement any new vocabularies or phrases from the sources which I read. I really look forward to the fruits which I can sow from this one ^_^

Well, since now I’m too tired after hike, I’m gonna end this post. Till next time guys ^_^


February 16, 2010

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 10:00 am

Happy Lunar New Year guys and happy Valentine! ^_^

What a nice and relaxing holiday! Life seems perfect during these holidays, i cannot bare the fact that this magnificent day will pass soon and tomorrow, the stress of school’s will lurk behind my back and snatch the remainder of my relax life after holidays xD

Well, I really miss my family and friends in Indonesia, i miss my own room and my pillow of course! That isn’t mean that i don’t enjoy my life here in Singapore, but everything seems monotonous here, i cannot survive this, not yet, without the presence of my lovely friends here ^_^

However, i must be very grateful because the place where i live now , CJC Hostel, is one of the best hostel here ^_^ The Aunties and Uncles are nice, food is extremely palatable, it is far from any images of dormitory you can imagine!


Last but not least, i remember that yesterday was the day which made me recollect the event happened a year ago in that day. Exactly, the day when i received this scholarship! I cannot forget 15 February 2009, the day which changed my life,

And also 14 February 2009, the day when i received the best Valentine’s Gift in my life ^_^ (You know, what made me really happy in that day is when my mother hug me, after she knew that i was awarded this scholarship, and said to me “This is the best Valentine’s Gift i’ve ever got”.I prayed and thanked the Lord for that wonderful event.

Okay guys, i’m going to eat …see you anon ^_^


Some Experiences January 10, 2010

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 9:59 am

Hi readers! long time no see!’s been a long long time ago since i posted the last post.
At this time, i want to share my experience here in Singapore.

Today i’ve just finished my Scholars Orientation Camp at my school, SJI (Saint Joseph’s Institution). It was a very interesting and amazing camp, i’ve never experienced any kind of camp as good as this one in Indonesia ( i don’t mean to insult any of my Indonesian Camp actually…hehe). This camp really taught as to be friend with each other..despite our family background…race (because SJI has so many races there..)…or even status. The camp taught us that we are the same…there is no such thing such as differences among us..yeah, we are Josephians and also Lassalians! (If you don’t know the meaning of these words, try to google it. Lol ^_^)

I really like my new school, it doesn’t teach us only school’s subjects, but also teach us about life. In other words, i’ve learnt so many things from this camp. I’ve got a lot of new friends!And they are all from different countries!

Anyway, today my sister has her GAT test..i wish that she can do well in the test ^_^
Good bless you sis…^_^

And that’s all for today..i wish you all,readers, goodluck in anything you are trying to achieve.
See you till the next post ^_^


This is it! November 22, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 3:32 pm

Well…it isn’t Michael Jackson’s documentary film. It is about me who will be going to a new chapter of my life tomorrow. This blog will not be updated for some amount of time..however, i’ll miss you all who read my blog ^_^

See you soon guys ^_^


Para Pemuda October 28, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 2:57 pm

Yup…today adalah hari sumpah pemuda!
dimana para pemuda mengikrarkan janji persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai bangsa Indonesia
Mereka sungguh bangga menjadi bangsa Indonesia saat itu…tidak putus asa terhadap nasib mereka yang sedang dijajah

Sekarang banyak orang mengatakan mayoritas pemuda tidak bangga malahan malu menjadi bangsa Indonesia..
Banyak dari mereka bersekolah di luar negeri dan tidak kembali dikarenakan kenyamanan yang ditawarkan luar negeri

Banyak dari mereka yang menjadi kaya dan berpengetahuan luas di luar negeri…
Dan tidak kembali, memang hal tersebut benar

Hari ini, sehabis gue ngajar di rumah temen ( ngajar dd nya temen gw), temen gw pulang dan kita ngobrol sampai jem 7 malem (dari setengah 6). Kita bicara soal masa depan, dan keinginan masing-masing untuk kembali ke Indonesia setelah studi di luar negeri untuk memajukan negeri ini.

Teman gue ini sih orang design banged, dia jago banged design dan biasa kalo bikin spanduk-spanduk kalau ada kegiatan sekolah, dialah yang kerjanya bikin spanduknya, dan waw! emang bagus banged hasilnya.

Dia cerita ke gue gimana dia prihatin ngeliatin kemasan-kemasan makanan di Indo lah…majalah lah..apa lah yang katanya rata-rata terkesan asal bikin. Dia mau balik kesini, melakukan yang terbaik di bidangnya dan…well, she was so happy when she talked about her dream.

Dan gue juga cerita yang gw mau lakukan…
Meski masih belom begitu jelas, well but it’s okay
gw masih bingung mau kuliah jurusan apa..entah antara fisika atau matematika, yang pasti gue mau balik ke Indo, jadi dosen dan mendirikan institusi pendidikan di Indonesia.

Gue percaya bahwa pendidikan bisa memajukan negara kita ini, dan gw berharap gak cuma gue dari temen-temen gue yang dapet beasiswa yang punya pikiran untuk balik ke Indo dan memajukan negeri kita ini.

Kalau ditanya kenapa, cuma beberapa alasan yang bisa gw beri.

1. Gue dibesarkan di Indonesia (meski lahir di Singapore)
2. Gue kecewa sama kebanyakan hal di negeri ini, karena itu gue ingin mengubah kekecewaan orang lain menjadi kebanggaan untuk tinggal di negeri ini..dan i’ve enough of people who complain a lot but never do anything to improve this country…

Yeah, ini bukti bahwa, di umur ke 81 sumpah pemuda di ikrarkan, semangat itu tetap berkobar sampai sekarang, wait for us Indonesia! ^_^


I’ll be Over You October 22, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 4:35 pm


I’m sleepy at the moment, however i still want to update this blog..’s been a while since my last post

This time, i would like to share my enjoyment which comes from a song

The group which sing this song shares the same name as my nick name, “TOTO”

I’ll be Over You – TOTO

Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some peoples destiny
Passes by

There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That’s how our love must be
Don’t ask why

It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you

As soon as my heart stops breakin
As soon as forever is through
Ill be over you

Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same

There were the nights holding you close
Someday I’ll try to forget them
Someday I’ll be over you


Yeah…i’ve been trying (i guess) to forget my feeling to someone… i think it is better for a greater good…however, i don’t think that i can forget her for a moment..

Love is beautiful..however as old people saying “there is no rose without a thorn”, love is also painful. I think it is a risk of falling in love in such a bad moment such as the moment which i’ve been through at the moment…

Okay that’s all i’m going to bed ^_^


Outbound Lembur Pancawati October 13, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 5:02 pm

Haha…gue post postingan ini satu hari setelah outbound…well, temen gw yang terdaftar di link di blog ini langsung mem postnya malam-malam…sayangnya pulang nonton matilda di tv sampe jem 5 sore…trus tidur dan saat ku membuka mata…jam kamar jem 6…sayangnya bukan 6 sore tapi 6 pagi xD

Malem sebelum outbound…i’m really excited . Gw udah packing sehari sebelumnya sebab sehari sebelum outbound adalah hari pertama gw jadi asisten di kumon ^_^

The next day..pagi hari kita berangkat naik bus dari tempat ibu Jeanetta. Benar-benar seru banged perjalanan di bus ^_^ ngobrol bersama..main rubix bersama..denger lagu bersama dan lain-lain

Ketika sampe kita langsung pembagian kamar…gw dapet kamar sama Calvin, Kenny, dan Bryan. Awalnya gw rasa bakal susah nyambung sama mereka, tapi overall mereka semua orang nya gampang bergaul dan seru koq..jadi sungguh gw seneng bisa sekamar sama mereka ^_^

Hari pertama penuh dengan motivasi dari bu Jeanetta…untung bahasa si ibu lumayan memikat jadi gak ngantuk deh hari itu kecuali sala seorang temen gw yang bernama i****k tau lah siapa orangnya…hwhw (dia mah emang tukang tidur gak heran…wong waktu tidur siangnya di ganggu motivasi xD)

Malamnya benar-benar menggila..kita ketawa-ketawa dan main capsa. Sayangnya jem 12 udah pada tidur…kecuali gw ,nico,krissy,ryan,marsel,indrik,acang, anas, dela, anne, nicholas.

Kita maen poker..dan sebagian maen capsa (tanpa duid koq..takut ditangkep kayak anak di bandara…hehe) sampe jem 2…gw bangun jem 6…dan membutuhkan tenaga kira2 10.000 Newton untuk membuka mata (lebay)

End of Day one

Day two

Ini hari yang paling luar biasa dari outbound…kita beneran outbound dengan instruktur yang sudah ditetapkan untuk masing-masing kelompok.

Gw sekelompok sama Christo, Allycia, Natalia, Nico, Billy, Noel, Sherine, Indrik, Anas, en Nicholas.
Karena kelompok kita C..nama kita Cenderawasih…hehe
Di outbound ini kakak pembina kita namanya Patrick (temannya Spongebob). Sungguh keren deh orangnya..tau banyak banged filosofi hidup dan kita banyak mendapatkan sesuatu dari dia. Tapi gak akan di post disini..kalo mao bayar dong ikut outbound..hehe

Akhir dari acara outbound adalah kita ditugasi mencari 20 petunjuk yang di sebar di seluruh tempat outbound. Petunjuk tersebut kita gunakan untuk membuat alat bantu (yang katanya A Robot namanya..) berbentuk 3 bambu yang disusun sedemikian sehingga membuat huruf A. satu orang akan menaikinya dan beberapa orang menarik nya dengan tali untuk bergerak.

Saat itu hujan deras..dan saat itu kebersamaan para anak2 scholars bener2 kerasa deh ^_^ smuanya mati2an berjuang nyelesaiin tugas yang dikasih. Kekompakan kita terasa banged disitu :p sampe ada satu anak yang bela2in naik ke atas sendiri buat nyari petunjuk trakhir yg kita blom ktemu juga…bener2 amazing moment..susah melukiskan betapa kagumnya dan senangnya gw di momen tersebut.

Oke…kebanyakan..langsung skip aja kita ke hari terakhir..malam hari terakhir. Kita perform semua rame-rame dan ditutup dengan pemberian surat ke orang tua..ortu gw gk dateng jadi gw kasih ke Pak Tyson..sambil menunggu di depan, (gw trakhir) untung ada tmen gw yg ortunya udh plg nemenin juga…gk serasa nobody’s child deh hwhw (hari sblumnya kita dengerin tuh lagu)

Selesai kita memberi bunga ke ortu masing-masing…kita sama-sama nyanyi when you believe by Leon Jackson bukan Mariah Carrey tapi enak juga sih..okeh. Kita ambil lilin dan berikutnya lagu lilin kecil mengalun…diakhiri kita satu-satu keluar menuju api unggun dan acara berlanjut. Selesai api tidur jem setengah 5 pagi setelah ngobrol-ngobrol di kamar sama Kenny…and that’s the end of the last night..i woke up at 7.00 in the next day

Nah hari trakhir..abis kira bakal lgsg gak taunya foto..parahnya gw lgi menghabiskan waktu di wc pas lagi foto-foto alhasil gw ketinggalan beberapa foto bareng..tapi untungnya masih ada foto bareng yang berikutnya…dan ini lah kita para scholars 2010 ^_^


Yup and that’s all from the outbound..kita hidup bertemu dan berpisah…tapi sekalipun waktu mengalir maju dan kita tak bisa mundur kebelakang….momen seperti ini akan terus terpatri di lubuk hati kita yang paling dalam..itu lah harta yang tak ternilai oleh uang ^_^


Hurray ^_^ i’m a completer now October 5, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 9:25 am

Hehe…as the title has spoken, i am a completer now ^_^

A completer is a person who has completed his English or Mathematics kumon. If it is mathematics, it is until level O has finished, if it is English, it is until level L has finished.

I am a mathematics completer now ^_^ I’ve just finished my Final Test at 11.35 A.M today with score 17 out of 18…well i made one little mistake by forget a single asymptote on a graph (actually it isn’t that

Well despite of getting imperfect score, i am very satisfy that i can work as an assistance at my Kumon…thanks for those who have prayed for me ^_^


At last..I’ve done another to do thing in my to do list :p September 30, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 3:53 pm

Yeah…as the title has spoken ^_^
I’m very glad yesterday (actually i planned to post this new post yesterday…however because i’m too sleepy to do it, i post it today ^_^)

Well…i’m glad because of this thing !




Yeah..i finally finished my kumon and will take the test this Saturday (3-10-2009) wish me luck ok guys? hehe

For your information, i started kumon when i was in grade 8 (around 2 years ago)…what i regret is that i know i can finish it much earlier..maybe it will only take me 1 year, however due to my slackness…yeah and that’s what happen

Aah..nevermind now..i’ve finished it. My aim now is to get perfect score in the last test!

Fight! ^_^


Rubix revenge Puzzle September 26, 2009

Filed under: 1 — sanctumsacre @ 6:51 am

This absurd and imbecile case happen around 12 o’clock yesterday… i ended my conversation with my Scholars friends and turned off the computer…as i walked through my room, suddenly i wanted to shuffle my 4×4 rubix revenge and solve it.

I asked my sis who was still awake to shuffle my rubix (actually it’s my friends…lol). After 3 seconds, she complained me that the rubix was stuck. I walked to her and said “i will fix it”. I plucked one of the side and replace it…however it still stuck. I plucked another piece and try to replace it…however the inner part of the rubix wasn’t easily filled with the rubix piece..and when i try to plucked more pieces….

puzzle're welcome to try

puzzle're welcome to try

Bloody hell…in that day, i listened to my friend’s song..”Gives you hell”, and i think she cursed me with the song because i was experiencing hell at the moment in that night. Lol

The hardest part is when i try to fix the bottom right part of the rubix and the upper front…it took me more than 15 minutes to do the bottom right..and 30 minutes to do the upper front parts. I started to fix it at 00.30 and finish it at 01.30, very good…LOL

At last..

At last..

I will never play that rubix